Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Moving Concern: Transitional Trauma

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The point is to reduce transitional trauma.

Some who want to avoid transitional trauma believe that aging in place is the solution. Research by AARP shows that 88 percent of Americans want to age in place.
"For many, 'aging in place,' with opportunities for part-time work, volunteering in the community, taking part in mentoring and supporting younger members of the community, is conducive to healthier aging," says George F. Wilson, MD, with Princeton House Behavioral Health in Princeton, New Jersey.
But Buysee suggests that aging in place, "sounds better than it is because it can be very isolating. You can become a prisoner in your own home, not seeing others for days if you have no activities or incentive to do so. We need to be more honest about what aging in place means," says Buysse. "Additionally, many of our homes are not adequate with respect to universal design."
Understanding the desire to age in place and driven by a concern for safety, NASMM has created an "At Home Initiative" that focuses on aging in place safely. "We want to tell people if you do want to stay at home and do that positively and safely, we can work with you to downsize inside your home so you don't feel trapped by 50 years of stuff," Buysse says.
Another way to cut down on transitional trauma is to make moving less overwhelming by planning ahead. Here are some tips from TAD Relocation to help ease you into and plan for rightsizing:
1. Don't go it alone: Ask for assistance from your friends, family or professionals.
2. Start early/Start young: Spring-cleaning is more than just cleaning; it can be prepping for an eventual move. So every year, purge a little because it is never too early and you are never too young to start sorting and downsizing. If you start early, you get to make the decisions instead of having someone make them for you.
3. Start behind closed doors: Sort and organize closets and filing cabinets, attics, and basements. Choose one a month until you are done.
4. Box, then discard: Think about items that you use every day and would like to continue using every day in your new home. Write them down. Those things that don't make your list (things you just don't use, but can't yet bare to part with) box up. Six months to a year later discard or give away the contents of that box. You obviously haven't missed these items that much.
5. Give-away gifting: Distribute things to family and friends including family mementos, photos and books. Choose an item a month. Save only those keepsakes that mean the most to you. Don't ever throw away something that has special memories, is valuable or is a family heirloom.
6. Ask "Do I really need that?": Dispose of non-fixable items, un-wearable clothing (out of date or worn) and items that are doing no more than just taking up space. This includes medication. Throw out all expired medicines now because you are never going to use them. When disposing of medications, make sure to follow the guidelines offered by the FDA.
7. Use up what you have or make donations: Eat up those cans of food you stocked up on prior to a storm; eat the frozen foods in your freezer. You are not going to want to have to pack these heavy items (see why #8).
8. Bottom-lining the bottom line: The fewer items you need to pack and move, the smaller the moving bill.
9. Enjoy clean now: Have draperies, rugs, and other linens cleaned before the move.
10. Set up a plan: Develop a floor plan for your new residence so you know where your furniture will go and what items you won't have room for. Then, start thinking about whom you would like to give those items, whether a family member, an auction house or a charity organization that will, undoubtedly, appreciate your furniture donations.